Friday, February 25, 2011

Props for Peeps

Local folk have heard Steve Scauzillo's name. He's the opinions editor of the San Gabriel Valley Newspapers. Now his name is being heard nationally because yesterday he accepted the Aldo Leopold Award for Distinguished Editorial Writing.

According to Editor and Publisher, The Wilderness Society presents the award every year "to an editorial writer who has produced editorials that strongly advocate protection of America's remaining wildlands." We'll pardon their redundancy; the award went to Steve after all.

Steve is a local treasure, a CDP blogger at Temple City Daily Photo, a teacher, an outstanding journalist and a friend. Congratulations, Steve.

Another local treasure is Denis Callet. You might have seen Gary Altadena's piece about Denis on Altadenablog. Denis comes to mind whenever I try to photograph a bird. His superb photos of birds at Hahamongna make me think I'll just stick with clouds and the occasional telephone pole.

Thanks, both of you. You are fab guys and I'm a fan of your works.


Birdman said...

Not a great fan of sky shots, but must say this one grabs my eye.

Margaret said...

Great job, Steve. I'm glad to see that he is being recognized for his important and impressive work.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Birdman. There's as birdie in the picture, too. Which brings me to Denis. If it were his photo you'd know there was a bird.

I was impressed when I looked up the award, Margaret. Only one person in America gets it every year. Way to go, Steve.

Anonymous said...

Of course we see the birdie, and I like the subtlety.

Bellis said...

One of the reasons I still take the Pasadena Star-News is to read Steve's editorials - they always mesh with my own views, or give me new ways of looking at the issues. Congratulations to him.

Denis has an amazing camera, and he's very interesting to talk to. If you see a man in camouflage gear in Hahamongna, don't worry - he's hunting for wildlife in the best possible way. Birds of prey fly away when I train my binoculars on them, but they don't notice Denis.

Petrea Burchard said...

It's true, Bellis, even though he's carrying a lens the size of a truck.

Hiker, thanks.

ben wideman said...

Way to go Steve!

And Birdman - no love for the sky shots??? C'mon!

TheChieftess said...

Congratulations Steve!!! And wonderful work Denis!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

I'll defend the Birdman. I'm not a big sky shot fan usually, either, Ban. But every once in a while I'll see one I love. There was a brilliant orange one on Hove Daily Photo this week.

Susan Campisi said...

Wonderful tribute to two local treasures. Congratulations, Steve.

Ms M said...

Excellent cloud shot! Can almost imagine Zeus looking down from the cloud tops.

John Sandel said...

Steve Scauzillo is an ink warrior.

Shell Sherree said...

That's wonderful news about Steve. And Denis's birds are glorious.

And I love your photos, Petrea ~ birds, clouds, telephone poles, whatever. Add your writing into the mix and you're inimitable. {Nice cheekbones, too. Margaret's right.}

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you all. Nice comments today. Merci, sweet Shell.

I just noticed I called Ben "Ban."

Steve Scauzillo said...

Petrea, thanks for the high praise. TWS is a great group doing good things, but as I told their governing council, the best things are done by you, the local grass-roots voices for the earth. And most definitely, that includes birds. Cheers!

Petrea Burchard said...

That may be true, Steve. Sure was a group effort (including you and a whole lot of other people) that got us our good EIR news about Hahamongna. More here on PDP tomorrow.

Congratulations again on your work.