Beginning Friday, October 22nd, every Friday for five weeks I'll be giving away a copy of Hometown Pasadena 2009-2010
On Friday of the sixth week, I'm giving away a copy of At Home Pasadena
You can win both books, so if you want At Home Pasadena, don't let that stop you from entering to win Hometown Pasadena, too. It's possible you could win every week. Holiday gifts! Yowza.
Thanks to Colleen Dunn Bates of Prospect Park Media and for the prizes. Hometown Pasadena is the place to go to know what's happening in Pasadena. And Prospect Park Media--well. They publish these books and many others, including their latest--their first novel, Helen of Pasadena
The contest will work like this: each Friday the photo will depict a question. The Google-able answer will be in the text of the post. For example: if today's photo were a contest photo, which it is not, I might say this is the back of a barn-shaped restaurant on Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena, and I might ask you what restaurant it is. All the clues are in that sentence. If you don't know the answer you can Google it.
All correct answers I receive by email, not in the comments, between midnight and midnight Pacific time on contest day will be thrown into a hat and the winner randomly drawn on Saturday by the cutest, youngest, most innocent neighbor I can find. Got it? I hope so, because this post is getting too long!
Update: I received word this morning that a new prize has been added: After November 1st, we'll also give away a copy of Helen of Pasadena! Thank you Colleen, Lian and Prospect Park Media!
Looking forward to it! I love a good puzzle.
In related news:
"Barnes and Noble's Pasadena store has been recently targeted by shoplifters, getting away with multiple copies of "Hometown Pasadena" and "At home Pasadena".....
How fun! Can't wait.
WV: dhetica. Does that win me anything?
Whenever I see a sub station I think of my father. He used to drag the family about on field trips to look at them.
Can't tell you the name of that restaurant, it used to be a pet shop.
This competition might be harder than I thought. If you hadn't said "barn," I'd have been stumped.
I'm so disappointed that Boz isn't going to draw the winning entry. I was going to flavor my email with dog treats.
Like you, I can't wait for "Helen of Pasadena." After an article in Rose magazine yesterday, I tried to buy it on Amazon, but they're making me wait.
I'm not going to make it very hard, J.J. So it'll be a puzzle, but maybe not a "good" puzzle.
Don't want to make you homesick, Jean. I hope you win as many as you want.
JB you made me laugh!
"dhetica." The goddess, I can't think of anything, Margaret.
PA, I love sub stations. I took the picture from South Raymond Avenue, near the offices of Prospect Park Media, from which I DID NOT STEAL the books.
Bellis, I will personally vet every post and make sure the clues are in it and obvious and Google-able, i.e., the first thing that comes up on Google will be the answer.
Bellis, was it the paper version or the online version of Rose Magazine? Their online version is fantastic.
I've just updated the post. I received an email from Colleen this morning. After November 1st, I can give away a copy of "Helen of Pasadena"!
The stakes have been raised.
lol jb!
of course, I'm sneezing my head off at the moment due to allergies, so I'm not quite thinking clearly and I thought you were kidding about giving away the books---because there aren't 6 Fridays in October...then I re-read the post...
and years before this was a restaurant or pet shop, it was a chi-chi polo type clothes store, at least for a few minutes in the 80's---if it had a name I don't recall what it was
So excited! Bring on the prizes.
I always love your comments, Trish, sneeze away.
Thanks, Ben. I hope you'll enter every week!
I got the paper version of Rose magazine with my Star-News. Good interview.
Which house do those kids live in and what kind of candy do they like?
The question to the Barn-Shaped Restaurant is "What Pasadena restaurant was going to be the site of Dan Watson's going-away luncheon until a bunch of South Pasadenans complained?"
WV: exart - something that used to be art but is no longer? That painting that the ex left behind that you can't stand but it's too valuable to give away?
I'm not telling, Earl. I may go off the block to achieve impartiality.
I'm not going to e-mail you because I would have to disqualify myself!
I like the air of anticipation this contest has created.
PIO, I'm practically handing the answers to people, so just because you know all about Pasadena doesn't disqualify you. Anyone who gets the answers wrong is just not paying attention. It's all in the luck of the draw this time, so be counting on my innocent little neighbors.
Today their moms were all, "pick my kid!" by the way, so I was right when I told Mister Earl I might have to go off the block...
Susan, seriously? "Air of anticipation?" Well, I just love that.
The Barn Burner, an old Union Pacific RR Freight House, noted by the angle of the deck.
Just sold for $100,000.00
Did it really, Jim? The restaurant, or just the building? Interesting.
Love this photo.
The business sold, smart owner retains land/structure.
Smart is right, if they intend to hold onto it for a while.
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