We don't have cemeteries in Pasadena, did you know that? Not a single one. That may be disappointing for anyone who loves Pasadena so much they'd like to remain here for eternity. However, there are several lovely cemeteries nearby.
What's the closest cemetery to Pasadena's northern border?
That's where I took this photo, and it's the contest question for today. I've given you all the information you need to Google the answer, so even if you're not a local you should be able to figure it out.
Here are the contest rules:
1. Email the answer to me. There's a link to my email in my profile at the upper left. You have until midnight tonight, Pasadena (Pacific) time. Answers in the comments section will be rudely ignored.
2. That's all you have to do.
3. This weekend I'll toss all the correct answers into a hat and ask my cutest, most innocent neighbor child to draw one name. (The job of cutest/most innocent neighbor child will revolve throughout the duration of the contest.) I'll announce the winner in Monday's post.
4. PRIZES! This week, the prize will be a brand new copy of Hometown Pasadena 2009-2010
I'm very excited because at some point during the contest one lucky winner will receive a copy of the brand new novel, Helen of Pasadena
Many thanks to Colleen, Lian and all the Prospect Park Media writers for making this contest possible!
Were there any "S" ones lying around? Grey's very "in" at the moment, so you're being stylish as well.
Nice shot, Patrea!
Wouldn't it be the mark of aisle D, or block D of this cemetery?
I like Thib's guess.
And I'm excited the contest's started. Great idea.
D is for Dearly Departed.
Actually, I think it's there to help people navigate. I think cemeteries have some sort of grid layout, using letters and numbers, that helps keeping track of the graves.
Does this cemetery have real grave stones or just grave markers?
Nice font! If all the clues are letters, will they spell out a clue to the big prize?
Nice place to visit, etc.
I think Thib may be right, though I don't remember seeing other letters like it there. It's a very attractive D, isn't it?
There is no letter D in the contest answer.
Vanda, there are wonderful gravestones in this cemetery, even some Civil War stones. It's a fine place to take your camera.
I think D is a marker, sort of like in a theater. When you're looking for a grave you'll be told it's, like, D277, and then you have to hunt it down.
I think so, too, Margaret. Now I want to go back and look for other markers like this one. I don't remember seeing any.
We have 13 entries so far! Keep 'em coming!
Whatever it is, it makes a pretty picture.
Great photo and clues for the first contest in October. Very exciting!
My evil plan is working. We have lots of entries and so far, everyone's answer is correct--even Thib's, and he lives in France! (He is a bit of a genius, I'll give him that.)
I'm glad because I want it to be fun and still give everyone to have a chance to win.
I think the D is a report card for someone seeking entry into heaven.
Cool photo. I'd have been so tempted to clean out the D. I bet this is a wonderful place for a wander.
Crapola! I can't click on your e-mail because I don't have a program associated for e-mail links! Grr! If you know how to do it, could you help a girl out?
If not, would you click on mine (on my profile page) and e-mail me yours so I can participate in future contests?
Pweeety pweeese?!
What Margaret said. Nice contest, by the way.
Fastidious, Katie. If it were my D at home, I might do it, but I rarely pose the shots.
Will do, J.J. We'll miss your entry for this time but there are plenty more chances to win.
Thanks, Janet. You could enter next week. You wouldn't be the only person entering from France. You never know when you'll need a Pasadena guide book.
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