My two friends had just returned (tired) from a family outing to
Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles when they allowed me to take a photo of them in their brightly colored summer dresses. The paper flower they purchased as a souvenir provides extra oomph. And what the heck? I posed them among the neighbor's roses just to get a little more color.
The City Daily Photo blog family does a theme day the first of every month. This time it's "bright colors," which may sound easy, but these bloggers can get creative.
Click here to check them out.
Cute models with beautiful summer dresses!!:-)
My first reaction to this sweet photo was bittersweet -- it reminds me of my own little girls, who are now 37 and 40. Children grow up so quickly! I know these girls' mommy will cherish this.
Super sweet.
Ah, the colorful innocence of youth. Cool!
They are very sweet..
Precious! I remember your neighbor's roses. I believe I ohhhed and ahhhed over those gorgeous peach colored ones.
And P, the girls look like maybe they've had to pose for you a few times! HA
I love the punim on those girls.
So sweet.
You must have been happy when these sweet girls came round and solved your Bright Colors problem.
Thank you all, and welcome to new visitors tanty and Inverness!
Bellis is right, I was lucky the girls showed up. Normally they like having their picture taken, but after a long day of too much fun they were tired. I took this photo before they knew I was shooting and tried forcing their smiles.
Cute and colourful. Very nice, very lovely photo, Petrea.
I wish you a colourful new month.
The dresses are fabulously colourful. I adore the girls' expressions.
Thanks, Steffen, same to you.
Thanks, Jilly. I like their expressions, too. They look a little tired and shy, and not entirely enthusiastic, and that's truthful.
The prints are bold and colourful. and, the girls are as lovely, perhaps moreso!
Portrait photography is great. It is so classic. And your shot here fits the bill. I used to do it way back when and that was in B&W. Maybe you've inspired me to try it again.
Love their expressions.
Neat theme day photo!
I'm just lucky these cuties let me take their picture. They did all the work.
Such a sweet and lovely choice for the theme!
I'm late but just wanted to add to the chorus, love the adorable flower girls. Too cute.
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