Welcome to Zen Monday. In case this is your first: Zen Monday is the day you experience the photo and give us your thoughts rather than me telling you what I think the photo's about. There's no right or wrong. We're here to have fun.
I look for a photo worth contemplating or, failing that, something odd or silly. Unless I absolutely must say something I stay out of the comments box to avoid influencing the discussion, because when I get in there everything goes downhill. Or comes to a complete halt at the curb, as the case may be.
I read you loud and clear!
Conga line for the No Parking Signs "Wedding of the Year". Extra points for picking the Bride and Groom...
Repetition aids learning.
I wonder if the fines are cumulative?
The subject of my next Trash Tuesday
"OK Men. As you know one of our orange traffic cones is missing. We are going to conduct a house to house search. OK, Spread out."
Land of the free.
I wish you would have parked there just to take the shot. Then I could say, "What part of 'NO' didn't you understand."
Were they expecting teeny tiny parade cars to park here? Seems they could have made their point with fewer cones.
"Listen up, team: Not a single kid must be allowed to park their Razor scooter here."
"Hmm...I wonder if I squeeze up a notch and park..here. Oh, nope, another sign. Maybe here though..oh sign."
I always love a good use of gov't funds. :D
I'm attracted to the well kept and expertly "edged" parking strip.
Did I miss something?
I sense imminent deployment. (glad you're continuing with the zen mondays.)
Is this how you do it in socal ... I thought this was the Swedish way. (FYI: In other countries they just give tickets for every sign you break.
The new Public Works Department Head has OCD!
(Are you sure we put "No Parking" signs on that street? Better go back and check.)
Lined up and waiting to be spotted for the home tour of those Greene and Greene bungalows.
That's the complement to Greene & Greene—orange & orange …
Oh, I love Zen Mondays. I'm glad I'm continuing with them, too, Karin. I don't think I could have stopped.
You see something like this and your Zen Monday brain goes "oh, yeah."
"Orange Barrels" sung by Todd Yahn:
A friend and I used to spend a lot of time driving the interstates, traveling to SE Ohio, Texas, etc. We used to fantasize about the orange traffic cones, barrels, and "Sticks" we saw, wonder about their hierarchy, how their missions were assigned, etc. You can tell these "sticks" are newbies and have been sent out on a mission meant for novices, black bases touching and, other than one miscreant, signs facing the same way. THAT guy will be drummed out, assigned to the next merging lane project, a sacrificial stick,never to become a full-fledged barrel on the coveted Orange Ops missions.
Comments J and I left yesterday haven't shown up yet. Maybe this'll stick? Anyway, I'll say it again: I'm glad I stuck with Zen Monday, too.
Possibilities? 1. Each orange stick responded to a Tweet requesting its presence at a NO PARKING demonstration; 2. Somebody was paid to enter time and date on 30-40 posters, for which only 5 or 6 actually needed; 3. That each stick has a different time and date on its poster; 4. Early practice for next year's Doo-Dah parade routine
Anon, I like it. It's like a flash mob.
Yep, "flash mob," was exactly the phrase I wanted, but had only heard it used once before, so forgot it. "Flash mob." Could that be a buncha paparazzi, or even a lot of naked people brawling down at the Rose Bowl? :-D ))<-That's my double chin. No flash mobbin'for me!
I'm thinking it's the NEW Tournament of Roses line to keep people from going into the street. Those old pink curbs don't do diddly! Maybe this will get their attention? ;-)
Well, Anon, I don't mind seeing these things naked but that's where I draw the line.
Trish, ya think? I don't know, maybe we need an electric fence for that crowd.
All our posts from yesterday are gone. This sucks.
I think they're back.
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