But I can't tell you how good the coffee is.
Really, I can't.
I'm going to come clean here: I haven't had caffeine in 69 days (who's counting?). I'm not particularly happy about it but the doctor said eliminating caffeine might decrease the frequency of my migraines so I said I'd give it a shot. I can't tell you how furious it makes me that he was right.
At Jameson Brown I had herbal tea. Which was fine. Pictured here is the Jameson Brown latte, which my friend tells me is "the best latte in town." I'm so happy for all of you who get to go taste it.
What a nice and loving offer. I accept.
No more caffeine?! Our poor Petrea. Does that include chocolate? :(
How ironic that the coffee house hunter has been given such doctor's orders.
But I'm glad your headaches are less frequent.
Who knows, maybe half-asleep is the best way to face our world.
That's beautiful latte-art, too. I still get a little buzz when a cup's presented to me like this. {Yes, that's a buzz on top of the caffeine buzz.} Sorry you couldn't indulge, Petrea, but glad that it's working {or rather, the lack of it is working}.
Oh, Petrea! No caffeine? Seriously?! You're atropper, posting the Perfect Latte and having herbal tea instead.
Fortunately, the doctor was right. I had no idea coffee and migraines were connected. Have to pass on the advice to a migraine suffering friend (who is a coffee addict).
You are so generous.
Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino.com
Delightful photos -- and I agree with Shell that the latte is a work of art. I'd hesitate to drink it and mess up the design! Bummer that you get migraines, but nice that the no-caffeine thing is working.
Nice photo. I always start my day with a mug of freshly ground coffee.
years ago, I ended up in the hospital with kidney stones. the doc, some off-the-shelf guy I was assigned to came in my room and said "no more caffeine, period". I looked him in the eye and said "not even chocolate?". He said "not even chocolate!". I looked him squarely in the eye and said "you're going to lose a limb once a month!". He covered his manhood and backed a way a skosh and said "uhm, well, ok, maybe a little now and then is ok for medicinal purposes and hormonal 'treatments'! later, gotta go!".
I've had a number of friends go on the "no caffeine" trip. So far, none have been able to report positive results. Meds to lower blood pressure have helped. Not eating other cr@p has helped. But other than making them cranky, the lack of caffeine hasn't done a lot to alter their migranes.
I think it is easier for the medicos to say "none" than "some in moderation" or "cut back a bit and see how it goes". Doesn't bother THEM one lick!
I still don't do coffee most of the time, but it never did appeal to me. I drink the occasional diet coke, have chocolate as my waistline can handle it, avoid mushrooms and other fungi and have learned to drink water as a primary source of liquid intake. Knock on wood, no more kidney stones. And the doc, as far as I know, still has all his limbs. ;-)
I don't think the medical profession knows what causes migraines. It's different for everyone. My doctor said quitting caffeine works for some people and at 5-8 migraines/month I was willing to try.
The first three weeks were hellish. I had more migraines. This was a counter-intuitive indication that caffeine was part of my problem. My doc said you have to give it six months to be sure. Yikes.
After toughing out those first three weeks, I went three weeks without a migraine. That's the longest I've gone in years. As Dina says, I'm facing the world half-asleep. I miss the taste of coffee (decaf has caffeine), but I'd rather miss the migraines.
I so naturally spazzy that I've never been able to handle caffeine. But can't you get de-caf?
Looks yummy!!!
I'm so sorry you can no longer indulge...
wv: sanca (for real!)...brown liquid pretending to be coffee!!!
I went to Jameson for the first time last week. I really like the high ceilings and natural lighting. My hot chocolate was much too sweet, but I'll have to go back for the latte.
Okay, they're right, I've never head of them and now I have no idea where they are! Can't wait to hunt them down and slurp up a latte--gorgeous!
Susan: Is there such a thing as a too sweet hot chocolate?!? Not on my watch!
Decaf has caffeine in it. I wish they made no-caf. There are tea-type drinks made to resemble coffee, but they really don't. Tea is okay, but it ain't coffee.
Des: head south on Allen. Just past the 210 on your left. It's an unobtrusive, red brick building.
I used to work at Jameson Brown and it makes me SO happy to see them getting recognized for their hard work and high standards. Thanks for highlighting one of my favorite Pasadena places, Petrea! I'll definitely back for more :)
I stopped at Jameson's today to try them out...great coffee....definitely one of the top two coffee spots in Pasadena!!! With a decidedly better seating environment!!! Parking is still a bit of an issue...but the coffee is well worth the walk from the car!!!
Sixty-nine days without a migraine? Long may it continue. Apparently the reason we don't feel awake until we've had our morning cup of caffeine is because the caffeine has made us feel that way. After recovering from the addiction, we wake up bright-eyed and bushy tailed every coffee- and tea-less morning. Have you found this, Petrea?
Hi Laura Jane. Thanks for stopping in. It's nice to know that the image of a great place is true behind the counter as well.
Side streets are a good bet, Chieftess. I found free parking around the corner on Locust Street. And you're so right about the seating.
69 days without caffeine, Bellis. 69 days without caffeine. I wake up fine (always have). It's afternoons I have trouble with. After more than two months off the stuff, I still begin slogging at around 2pm.
Amazingly, I use caffeine (diet coke) to TREAT my migraines! Everybody's different -- of course, I know my triggers, too (heat/stress/glare == add any two = migraine). Hope you're feeling better, but man, what a sacrifice!
Okay...that's a good looking coffee! I'm very sad for you you can't have one. But if it makes it worth it, you've convinced me this is a place I have to check out.
I"ve never had a latte. Don't give a &%$# if I ever do, but that cute design is faboooo! I"m glad you are feeling better P. Hugs.
I am so sad you have to avoid caffeine. Years ago, to combat a life-long weight problem,I changed my diet and,at the time, had to give up any treats. Of course, I developed the WORST headache ever, that would not go away -- until I ate a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Relief! It was carbohydrate withdrawal! Also, I've been told by an athletic trainer that we wake up in the AM dehydrated and a glass of water may provide the relief from headach-y mornings that we generally attribute to need for coffee. In order to maintain, rather than say "I cant't have ---," say instead I DON'T ---," as it puts you in control. Maybe you could find a lot of nice tea lattes?
I'm a sucker for latte art too.
I'm sorry about the lack of caffeine, and even more sorry that the doctor was right (but glad for you at the same time that your migraines have decreased). Does decaf even have too much?
That looks SO good. We don't get decorated cappuccinos here - perhaps in Paris? But the crema on this looks superb.
I get migraines too, Petrea and the only thing that works for me is Imitrex and funnily enough I find one very strong coffee often helps too. But after the Imitrex. I couldn't live without Imitrex. I suppose I could live without coffee if it stopped my migraines but as you say, migraines have so many causes - I could name the lot!
Thanks so much for kind comment on the Menton photo. It was just luck I turned it upsidedown and it worked - serendipity!
"Ersatz kaffee" from ground roasted chicory has no caffeine but you can pretend it's coffee.
Sage, doctors occasionally suggest caffeine as a cure and some pills (i.e., Excedrin Migraine) contain it. In my case, the cure may have been causing the illness.
A bit outside your neighborhood, Kat. (I believehe other best place Chieftess mentioned is in your area.) Have an adventure!
Thank you, Virginia.
Thanks, Anonymous. If only tea tasted like coffee!
Amy, yes, decaf has too much caffeine. So does regular tea, I'm restricted to herbal. I'm hoping this isn't forever!
Absolutely, Jilly, Imitrex is the saving grace. (I take the generic, sumatriptan succinate.) Of course nothing's perfect; the doc doesn't want me taking it often because it's hard on the heart, so decreasing the frequency of migraines is optimum.
I've been pounding back the ersatz ones, Dina. They don't quite taste like coffee but at least they're not flowery or fruity, like so many herbal teas.
Thank you for all your great suggestions today. I've even received emails and have a few new things to try. If I can decrease the frequency of my migraines, I can get back to my coffee shop quest!
Somehow, "Taylor the Chiccory with Skim Boy" just doesn't have the same flair.
Funny, Anonymous!
There was a very cute latte boy at Jameson Brown last time I was there. But I drove by the other day and the place was closed. Maybe they're usually closed on Sundays? There's a for sale sign on the building, but often buildings are sold and the tenants remain in place.
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