Old Town will be open, for one thing.
That's not quite true. Much of Old Town will be open, for many things. I do like to be honest on the blog. Here, take a look at the calendar of events.
I took this shot of Mercantile Place on a quiet Thursday just after the lunch rush. I have a feeling things'll be hopping a bit more over the weekend.
A bit about Mercantile Place:

Is it okay to say "fartsy?" I never use four-letter words here on the blog but I figure that one's okay because it has six.
You know, that's not quite true, either. I believe I've used "hell" and probably "damn." "Fartsy" is the only f-word I've used, though, I'm pretty sure.
So what are you doing this weekend? It's so beautiful in Pasadena right now it almost doesn't matter as long as you do something outside. But for goodness sakes, if you're using your real name don't tell us if you're going out of town. Just lie.
Your linguistic analysis cracks me up. LOL
Hell yes, Arsty Fartsy is ALWAYS appropriate! JB on Mainz DP says, "Arty farty" Well I guess that's ok too since it has 5 letters.
That framing is parfait!:)
Ah, Dina, you see Virginia suggests "arty farty," which would have been better linguistically because it's more efficient. I'll have to check out Mainz DP to watch and learn.
Too many Daily Photo sites to keep up with!
Merci, Virginia. I got lucky because these folks centered themselves.
I very much like your A/F photo. Nice patina on that wall.
WV: Cooken. Arty Farty means you're cooken with gas.
Arty Farty may be more efficient, but Artsy Fartsy is far more eloquent!!!
Since my real name's really not Chieftess...does that mean I can say I'm meandering out of town??? A short trip up to mountain country to see what's up!!!
I'm gonna ck out the Memorial Day sales & reflect on the holiday - NOT run out into lines & traffic on the highways & airports as 15% of the population need to do. Nope, I like to get some R & R with the xtra day.
Nice Artsy/F-ing foto of the plaque.
Thanks, Hiker. I like Mercantile Place. Like much of Old Town it's been pretty fixed up, but you can almost see the old town in it.
Chieftess, you can say whatever you want to say here. I'm really referring to what I think is people being too open about their whereabouts when they're online. You know, like giving their location on Twitter. "I'm at such and such coffee shop" means "I'm not home," which means "rob me!"
Am I being paranoid, or just of my generation?
Hee hee, Cafe.
Is it only 15% of the population? Seems like more.
Sales. Good idea.
Fartsy? I can't believe you said fartsy. Fartsy is inappropriate. You have to worry what the old fartsies will think. I would NEVER put fartsy on the internet. That word stinks.
I usually only post to FB my doings AFTER I'm done...but if someone wants to figure out where I am, good luck!
wth, can't say "fartsy"? as one friend used to say "better I fart than explode...much messier if I explode!".
I'm not in Pasadena this weekend, so I guess I am "out of town"?
this is a thankfully busy weekend for us, but after taking a friend to the airport at 4am...I'm off for a nap!
I'm sorry, Greg. I know how delicate you are.
Trish, I can see you're delicate, too, using "wth" instead of "wtf"!
My friend JB in Mainz and his wife are jetting to Paris from Mainz while I"m in Paris. You should check his blog. That man is a MESS!!! How does a New Zealander end up in Mainz??? Better yet, how does he end up with ME??? BLogging is one hellova ride , is all I can say.
... oops. Sorry.
OMG OMG OMG--! My wv was idint!! Sweartogod. I have a screenshot to prove it. (P is my witness.)
It's pretty amazing, Virginia. Opened up my world, I can tell you that.
Then there's marriage. Lemme see that screenshot.
The word fartsy is totally acceptable and encouraged.
I hope you had a lovely weekend! I was out of town (in Phoenix), but I figure since I'm back now I'm safe to say so.
It's definitely "arty farty" (so sayeth Phrase Finder) subsequently modified to "artsy fartsy" so as not to offend North American sensibilities.
I'll stick to the original and continue being a MESS. Whatever that is... http://youmustbefromaway.blogspot.com/2008/10/dont-ask-meabout-arty-farty.html
Hello, JB! Well, you don't have to worry about offending me and Virginia (I can see how worried you are) as we are both from the southern part of North America. But I appreciate the correction, as I do like to use proper English. Arty farty it is.
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