It was raining Monday--the perfect time to shop outdoors!--and owner Paul Moreno's shop was open. He had a lot of good stuff, some of it gently used, some not so gently. The prices were very reasonable and Paul will sand, rust-proof and paint your purchase almost cheaper than you can do it yourself. Since John and I aren't crafty types and we haven't made our millions (yet), we can't exactly get custom made furniture and we liked that price.

We didn't find exactly what we wanted, so after we left we stopped by a nearby popular home goods store to price a new set of inexpensive outdoor furniture. The stuff was made with all the integrity of a toothpick. It would have fallen apart after one season.
So we'll go back to Foothill Fountain. The store gets new old stuff all the time, and it's worth waiting for the right thing. The wrought iron furniture is so much nicer, and when we can have Paul sand and paint it in the color we choose, it's almost like having it custom made.
HA,I so enjoy your logic and your attitude, Petrea.
Though I enjoy pre-loved finds, I no longer have any delusions of doing the handy-sandy bits myself. I'd be there in a flash! Looks like Paul has a good eye and a wonderful service.
What a filigree chair. I'm afraid that it will not hold me...;)
Clever woman to ask about the prepping and painting. We never thought to ask. James and I are too timid that way. The lot is also a Christmas Tree lot in December. The whole family is involved - especially Paul's grandfather. Believe or not we have the cousin flower, not painted silver, in our backyard.
What a fun place to wander around testing out the cool furniture. Did either of you step inside the man-sized birdcage? I hope you find a good set soon so Paul can customize it and you can start enjoying it.
Good morning, Dina! How nice of you to drop by and brighten my day.
Shell, "delusions" is the word. I'm over that stage and I have the pre-loved finds to prove it.
But Steffen, it's made of iron. It will hold you until the year 2310 if you can stay in it that long.
Roberta, it was John who was clever enough to ask about the refinishing. I never would have thought of it.
I didn't step into the cage, Katie. Maybe I should go back and give it a try. Now there's a photo op.
Im sure I could spend a whole day there. I love places like this.
Ha ha! Reminds me of the front yard of a cabin owned by a certain artistic, self-proclaimed Mayor of Altadena.
Don't be mad, it's just a little cryptic promotion :)
Sounds like a good idea. I am addicted to lawn furniture, seriously.
I get so annoyed with cheap stuff that doesn't stand the test of time! We're getting more and more of it and it infuriates me. Glad you didn't buy the toothpick furniture. I look forward to your future purchase at that lovely store ! Your photo is very tempting!
Interesting stuff! I like all the vining plant designs on the chairs.
And a man-sized bird cage?? I can imagine something like that being used during a Twilight Zone episode....
I know, Mark! Places like this are the best. Do you ever visit Jilly's blog about Menton, France? She explores the most wonderful places.
Greg, I must self-proclaim my ignorance.
Seriously, LL? One of these days I'm going to pop in on you, I swear.
Bienvenue, Nathalie! If only no one would buy the cheap stuff, the stores wouldn't carry it! But I like old, well-made things.
Ms. M, your comment came to my email but it hasn't shown up here yet. But yes, I imagined that bird cage in some sort of weird story about a deranged housewife or a very bad pet shop owner...
For those of us from beyond Pasadena borders, could you post the precise street address? I'd like to look for stuff that could be repurposed as trellises in my garden.
Jane, it's 3040 E. Foothill Blvd. And you can always click the link within the post, which has the phone number. This particular business doesn't have a website, but usually the links will have the business's website and other information I find on the web.
Petrea, Thanks for the address. I went back to the posting and discovered that on my machine, with my configuration, the links are not visible, which is why I wasn't able to figure out exactly where Foothill Fountain/garden supply was.
Thanks for the tip, Jane. Maybe I need to brighten those babies!
It's beautiful metal flower.
Thank you, Danial.
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