You could say rain is just water. Or you could say it's a good excuse to go to Pie 'N Burger.
I think most people go there for the pies and the burgers. (Makes sense.) Me, I go for the GAC 'n BAC. That's what we used to call a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich when I waited tables a hundred some-odd years ago.
Tasty. I'd even go there when the sun's shining.
Bonus pic: an accidental shot of the very clean counter at Pie 'N Burger on a rainy day.

I'm glad this joint has its devotees. I'm not one of them, unfortunately. I haven't found PnB in combo with good food value on their menu.
Breakfast at PnB -- it's delish and you never know who you'll run into!
I didn't try the pie, but I agree with Cafe Observer. I think In-n-Out does a better burger.
The hands and the nose add a lot to the picture, too. Nice.
Looks like a great discovery! I haven't had breakfast yet - I'm extra hungry now!
In n Out is the indisputable burger champion, but where do you sit on a rainy day?
I may have to begin a new quest, for the best GAC&BAC in town. Not to really find it, you understand, just to keep eating GAC&BACs.
OK, so how did you know that grilled cheese and bacon is my fav? I'll help you scout out the best!
They used to make a spinach quiche that was to die for - honestly!
They took it off the menu during the spinach crisis a few years back and it sadly never returned.
I go there every Christmas just to get a slice of mince pie with hard sauce.
While I'd agree that their prices seem a bit steep, the burger and the pie are both fantastic. I just don't like paying premium prices at hole in the wall places.
But having said that, I LOVE the clock shot you've got here today, P. Great pic.
Great photo of the clock; great wallpaper! I'm a big In-n-Out fan, but I'd be willing to try a burger and fries here, with a slice of cherry pie.
I almost stopped at Pie n Burger that day!!! Instead, I meandered up to the new little Bob's Big Boy...I think it's on Lake and Del Mar...maybe the next cross street above Del Mar...my old time favorite burger!!! And it was a good one too!!!
"The Spinach Crisis" I love it!
Haven't been to P&B in years and years. I like In&Out, but after the "E Coli Crisis" they seemed to char the burgers too much. When I'm driving up I-5, I like to stop at the In&Out in Kettleman City.
I've only been there once - my favorite is Wolf Burger further up Lake, where there's also some outdoor seating on non-rainy days. But your two photos are lovely. Was your second one really accidental? Because it's a lot better than my iPhone camera accidents, usually of the sidewalk or my thumb!
I love the clock! I want one for my kitchen.
Grilled bacon and cheese is hard to beat. Mmm. I want peach pie too. This place is on my list to check out.
Can I get a side of chicken fried bacon with that GAC+BAC?
I'm not a fan of the burgers, but the pie is an entirely different matter. I think I may have to plan a stop there today.
I don't go to In-n-Out on rainy days. There are some things I just won't do...even for a good burger. lol!
A: I can tell you; I have one clock in my kitchen! Do you want to see it?
I just left our Greening the Earth Day and Armory Family Arts Festival. It was very well attended!
However, there was no pie. There were no burgers. There were plenty of organic food offerings.
There's a time and place for everything, including GAC&BAC and tofu smoothies.
From LA Foodie...
"I simply cannot understand why Pie ‘N Burger polarizes burger aficionados like it does. To me it is a clear-cut example of a great hamburger. But spend five minutes poking around online, and you’ll see throngs of people loudly decrying the restaurant’s credentials."
This writer has Pie 'n Burger ranked #2 behind Apple Pan, and In 'n Out at #6. I think I agree w/ #'s 1 & 2, but I would put In 'n Out at #3. All of these being behind my own BBQ burgers, of course...
I waited table a hundred some-odd years ago too.
Great reflection!!!
I've been at the LA Times Festival of books lo, this live-long day. I'm so glad to come home and read all your comments (and get off my feet!). Burgers and pie require discussion. We do important work here.
I have to go! Tina has been there many times, without me, and told me that she loves it! I'm hungry now :)
Once upon a time I flipped one of your photos then removed it from the ether about a week later so as not to infringe too much on your copyrights. You didn't get mad then so I hope you're cool with this one - I think it's fun: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4069/4549447007_7f1620af04_o.jpg
Stef, you may not believe this but when I was there the other day the two guys next to me were speaking French.
Greg, that's a hoot!
GAC 'n BAC? There's my something new for the day! A pie and peas would be nice right now. Have a lovely weekend, Petrea!
Just came across your blog. Wow, what a great photo project! Also tells me Tim & I need to take a field trip. (I used to live in Monrovia and spent A LOT of time in Pasadena.) Thanks!
Shell, you can make a GAC&BAC at home and have it while wearing your jimmy-jams.
Welcome to the blog, Lisa. Come by any time! You'll probably also like http://www.gemcityimages.com/, Keith's daily photos of Monrovia.
I loves me a good bit of diner ambiance, and good things to eat make it perfect. great shots, P. [:::pie:::]
Thank you, E.
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