Zen Monday is the day you experience the photo and give us your thoughts rather than me telling you what I think the photo's about. There's no right or wrong. It means what you think it means, or what you want it to mean.
I look for a photo worth contemplating or, failing that, something odd or silly. Unless I absolutely must say something I stay out of the comments box to avoid influencing the intellectual path of the discussion (because when I get in there everything goes down hill).
As I post each new Zen Monday photo I add a label to last week's to identify it if necessary.
Parrhasius had a unique solution to the growing problem of door-to-door salespersons.
I need some me time.
We like to live the simple life. Who needs frills?
After fruitless discussions with his neighbor, Warren found a simple way to block out the neighbor's year-round Christmas lights.
… and later they found his dessicated remains inside; he'd forgotten to install a doorknob.
Little did they know that replacing the front garden and lawn with ivy would affect them so severely. . . They never looked out again; and, no one ever made it up the unwelcoming walkway to the tightly shut white door."
PS, that ivy is snail heaven!
Kind of looks like my house. Hope you weren't chased away by a lady in a pink track suit.
Mike took the idea of putting a snack shack in front of his apartment a little TOO seriously...and forgot to put a handle on that door, so he never sold a lick.
wv: ozidonk...ozidonk! I forgot to put a handle on that door!
Time for a visit to Architectural Salvage---
No way was he going to pay California's new window tax.
Walt Disney told the animators over and over, always have the fairy charm the house with her wand before you film the drawing or it won't come alive properly, but the youngest one was so tired...
The newlywed couple saw potential where others saw only closed doors and windows.
The only thing missing is the red tag declaring the place uninhabitable.
I can see you really have a TAX challenge now....just shut the windows and wait for the best! ....or
"I vant to be alone."
After the 3rd month with no calls (and eating a steady diet of Ramen noodles), Herbert realized that faux doors and windows were not going to become the next greatest thing in design.
Shell, you always come up with the funniest character names. Parrhasius! Really!
Dianne, could you tell J is emulating you? It's his Dianne Emley Tribute Comment.
And now I'm getting this whole scenario going in my head. This lady in a pink track suit, who needed some "me time," lived a simple life behind her snail-covered ivy. She named her favorite snail Parrhasius but pretty soon she realized there were hundreds of snails and she couldn't tell which one was which. She tried naming them all: Warren, Mike, Walt, Herbert...
But it was too much. The tax man came pounding at the painted plywood, shouting "Red Tag Sale at Architectural Salvage!"
"I vant to be alone!" she shouted back, and burst through the not-door to chase him away just as the chemicals in the garage exploded, touched off by a spark from the neighbor's year-round Christmas lights.
The lady and the tax man were married later that day.
That's a brilliant story! Glad we all helped you write it. Let's try it again soon. Parrhasius will be proud of the movement he's started.
I couldn't get the image of the lady in the pink track suit out of my head. She's too wonderful and needed a story written about her.
Ah, I think we have to be more careful in the future, so everybody can’t see us...it won’t be a nice sight, but maybe safe. My suggestion is to use the space control, which has worked inperfect in the past. Do you have any objection to that? Maybe we can find any lawyer out there to help us in....or maybe we can just trust on a wri(gh)ter or two.
Great story! Fun how you pulled the comments all together.
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