I'm a fan of entropy. I like it as a photographic subject. I don't know if it's much good for the urban landscape; I leave that to others to decide. But I'm glad I had a chance to photograph Earthside Nature Center in its--I won't say decay--its overgrown condition.
Peering between Earthside's wild grape vines, you'll see this old train car. I don't know how it got there, but it was obviously used for something. Someone took the trouble to add stairs. Someone took a lot of trouble to create all of Earthside, and now others are deciding what the next use will be for this land.
That's what happens. The old people drift away, or die. New people come and make use of things as they see fit. I hope they keep some of it--the pretty railings, maybe, or some of the plants. I hope the memorials will find a home.

Yes, hopefully things will be salvaged, recycled and upcycled in its next life. And meanwhile as you say, we can appreciate just having the chance to be there, like Phoebe and Boz.
Earthside looks like a fascinating place, especially to take photos. It's always interesting when nature takes over. Boz and friend sure look happy to be hanging out there!
Sometimes we let go of things that are truly priceless as we fail to see its beauty or its value. At other times we cling to rubbish perhaps because we know we've already lost so many irreplaceable treasures?
At least she didn't call me Chloe again.
That's right, Shell, it's Phoebe and Boz, or Boz and Phoebe, if you're going from left to right. It was their first meeting and they both played hard to get by tolerating each other amicably, if that makes sense.
They had a good time, Katie. Probably not as good a time as you're having by now. Speaking of which, I'm a little shocked that you stopped by here at all, and frankly I'm honored. Give Dive a kiss for me. (Katie's love story is the most delightful in all of blogdom. It happened on Katiefornia and on Small Glass Planet, and now it's happening in Paris.)
That's an interesting way to look at it, Precious. Perhaps we don't know what's valuable and what isn't.
Phoebe, Boz has a gift for you. He'd tell you himself but he can't type. Unlike me, however, he can spell "Phoebe."
Your top photo is one of the best ever - it's so clear and sharp, and I love the way the colors of the old train car blend in with the autumnal grape leaves. Which camera was this?
Earthside reminds me of the Garden of Eden after that apple incident. No human caretakers left, just their (happy) dogs.
I don't care if it is Eden, Boz should wear some briefs.
(I like presents, though.)
I wonder why shots like this speak to me so much more than sunsets and rainbows. "Hello, Dr. Freud? Could I make an appointment?"
Thank you, Bellis. This series has all been from the new camera, the Canon 20D. Still learning, but carrying the Olympus in case of error.
Nobody wears briefs in Eden, Phoebe, that's the whole point!
K, my appointment's right after yours.
Not to burst your bubble, P, but K was talking about me. And he's right -- I speak a lot more than a sunset.
Oh..it's very Boxcar Children.
I really hope they do upcycle. I would hate to lose all this.
Splat. My bubble.
I had almost forgotten the word entropy. Thanks Petrea.
Actually, this post reminds me of many things.
You have such a talent for getting thoughts and feelings going.
Thank you, Dina. Entropy is one of my favorite words and one of my favorite things to photograph.
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