I went to two parties yesterday. One was a memorial for the mother of a friend. I didn't know my friend's mother. I just wanted to be there and it was good to see some folks I knew and to meet some folks I didn't, and to just be part of the support. My friend held up pretty well most of the day. I think a couple of visitors surprised her. A card or two, with handwritten notes, blindsided her.
The other party was a festive, front yard birthday celebration for our neighbor. His wife made cupcakes and homemade ice cream. The kids performed a "Happy Birthday" parade, playing the music on tambourine and drum. They had to do it twice because the birthday man missed it the first time, taking a phone call from his brother overseas. The birthday man and his family are moving away soon. I'll miss them terribly.
Another of our neighbors is leaving as well. I already feel the empty spaces their departures will create.
yes, it's sad to say so long.
why are your neighbors leaving your hood??
Sun beams always seem like a message from above.
I hope your new neighbors will fill the gap.
Party on, Petrea.
You really seem to like playing with the effects of light. I know what you're talking about, I was the one that left SF after six years and left everyone behind. Like Dina says, I hope your new neighbors will fill the gap.
i look ... deep sigh feeling protected
love andrea from germany
Dina is right about sunbeams. I seem to chase them all over myself. This shot today has our friend -K- written all over it. Take a bow Miss P. , it's fabulous.
I know you will find new neighbor friends before they get the first box unpacked. I wish I lived on your street!
Light and shadows, a very creative canvas for our imagination...like faces and forms seen in billowy clouds and shadows that go bump in the night.
A fantastic image Petrea. And such a lovely story to go with.
Fabulous photo. Sounds like you have a lovely neighborhood. Here's hoping your new neighbors make a nice addition, and hoping your old neighbors stay in touch.
Nice photo Petrea. About neighbours. To have good ones is really a great gift from destiny.
That shaft of light reminds me of Vermeer. With the palate of Wyeth. Lovely.
Or palette?
Now that I see this whole post in the light of day, P, I have to say this is one of your better photos and pairs nicely with your story.
You know if a cat was in the room, what spot it would be in (probably sleeping).
That is a great shot. Simple yet stunning.
Its always sad to say goodbye but who knows who may move in next, all part of the excitment and renewal of the neighbourhood.
Thank you all. I'm glad you like this one. I do, too.
Yes, Andreea, I like playing with the light. And I'm getting a new camera tomorrow! It's a Canon EOS 20D. I'm excited to learn how to use it. I've been using an Olympus SP350 all this time and it's served me well, but it's time to graduate.
Not that it puts me anywhere near -K-, Virginia. But everyone, if you want to see a master of light and dark, check him out.
Speaking of master photographers, here's the person I'm buying the camera from.
I hope the camera has some of his mojo.
Again, thank you all. I'm blessed to live in this neighborhood, alongside these neighbors. My life is full of goodness.
Italo, I hope you won't mind if I quote you:
"...The life is perfect:
1) if you work hard to make it perfect
2) you say it's perfect even if it's not.
3) if it's perfect :D
...Life is beautiful (not perfect, but beautiful yes :))"
Congrats!, P. on your new love!! How's D LCD display on the newbie vs de oldie? What's happening with the, hohoho, old tripod, btw?
Striking photo! It's fun capturing light and shadow; the nature of light.
I imagine I'll be keeping the tripod, C.O. And I haven't even seen the camera yet so I don't have an answer for you!
Thanks, Ms. M. It sure is fun.
Have fun with the new camera.
Gorgeous photo! And wonderful sentiments to go with it.
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