Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last Plug for Now

Tomorrow's Halloween, so I should post something on that topic, or at least something scary. Saturday's City Daily Photo blog theme day (the theme for November is "books"). So today's my last day before opening night (Saturday) to invite you to come see The Mystery Plays at the Stillspeaking Theatre. We've been working hard to bring you a thought-provoking evening of theatre, so I hope you'll come see it.

Those of you who don't live in Pasadena can go a long way toward enhancing your life and the life of your community by supporting local theatre. Don't have a local theatre? You've got local artists, sure you do. Support them, even if it's only with encouragement. Maybe you're an artist. Express yourself!

Sometimes, especially when money's tight, art may seem frivolous. But I think the toughest times are when we need art the most.


Chuck Pefley said...

So true that we tend to forgo art when we need it the most. Best of luck on opening night! Not sure I want to suggest you "break a leg" as that seems as if it might be painful, not to mention making moving about on stage more difficult :)

Cafe Observer said...

That's quite an evening sky!
That could be called an opening nite sky.

P, you have fun, may the efforts of all who've worked on this artistic/mysterious play be rewarded, and the audience leave with their thumbs up!

USelaine said...

I wish I could be there to see it. I'll be having an opening reception on Saturday too! Well, me and a few dozen other photographers from around Willits. We get the Willits Center for the Arts all month for our pictures, an four out of 200 are mine. 6^)

Like Chuck, I wish for whatever is appropriate on your, yeah. Right, I better stop with that.

USelaine said...


Thérèse said...

At first I thought it was a church...
I'll be thinking of you.
We do have an Art Theatre and there are wonderful plays by local Highschooler. I am amazed by the quality achieved.

Unknown said...

Love the yellow light against the blue and pink sky!

Profile Not Available said...

Okay, so Chuck has made me think twice about telling you to "Break a Leg" so please accept, instead, my hope that you have a great opening night!

Laurie Allee said...

Petrea, I'm so excited for you!

And it's true, we need art -- and literature and poetry and music and photography and dance and all means of creative expression now and always. These give life flavor!

Hugs and all matter of good opening night wishes are now being sent your way!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

The colors in this photo are stunning!

Anonymous said...

You won't find any argument on my end...Amen to the arts! Great sunset and very near to where I found Tovah.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you all for your good wishes. I will NOT break my leg or anyone else's.

MANY CONGRATULATIONS to Elaine! Woohoo! I'm thrilled for you and can't wait to see photos of your photos on display.

Therese, you're right, the theatre's in a church!)

A warm welcome to Belgrade Daily Photo. I've seen your icon over at Bibi's. Thank you for dropping by.

Knoxville Girl said...

wish I could be there to see the play! We all benefit from the arts - makes us think, see things a new way. In our often myopic, tunnel-vision world, the arts are one of the best paths to see the bigger picture.
*KG hops off soapbox*

marley said...

I love the colour of the sky! And the building looks so warm and inviting!

Good luck with the show, break a leg!

Do you use that saying in America? It means good luck. The real meaning dates back to years gone by. The 'leg' was part of the pully that worked the curtains. If you had lots of encores then the leg would break.

Break a leg = hope it goes so well that the curtain breaks!

(sorry if you knew all that already!)

T Thompson said...

life without art is merely survival.

I'll shun the usual superstition and wish you and your troupe well!

Ms M said...

Going to good theater is definitely worth the money!
All the best to you for a great run!

monoblog said...

I also wish I could be there to see it. Wish you all the best of luck...

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks for your good wishes, everyone. We had a good dress rehearsal last night. In stage superstition that's a bad omen! I don't believe in such things. I've even been known to mention "MacBeth" backstage.

Marley, I never knew that was where "break a leg" came from! But yes, we sure use it here.

hayden said...

that is beautiful

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, hayden.