Thursday, July 3, 2008

Superfluous Detail: Lany's Antiques

Really. It's a door. How fancy does it have to be?

It is a door to an antique store, and one that specializes in jewels at that. It's Lany's Antiques, at the corner of Green and Catalina Streets.

Back in May I posted what I called a superfluous detail, an architectural decoration with no other use than to be beautiful. Generally, the response was that beauty was useful enough. One commenter suggested Superfluous Detail could be a regular feature here on the blog. There are enough such architecture details in town to make it at least semi-regular, so I thought I'd take him up on it.

I didn't go in to Lany's. (Bad blogger!) I felt a bit out of my league. I mean, jewelry. Precious stones. (Could I use more italics in this post?)


John Sandel said...

Doors like that are the architectural equivalent of italics. (This one is in caps, boldface & double-underlined.)

USelaine said...

Don't be too intimidated. It looks not unlike the entrance to Willits High School.

Anonymous said...

In the inner sanctum at City Hall there is a series of framed photos of beautiful architectural detail, many on buildings in Old Pasadena. Come by sometime and I'll show you.

Petrea Burchard said...

Bernie, it's almost gaudy, isn't it? The green paint does it. Still, I like it.

Beautiful doorway, Elaine. Of course at this point in my life, I think I'd be intimidated by high school, too.

Ann, I'll take you up on that. I'll email you.

Clueless in Boston said...

It is beautiful ornamentation. I guess what is says to the consumer (to paraphrase Dante) is: "All money abandon, ye who enter here."

Rosie said...

Just my type of door, Petrea!

marley said...

It certainly makes the dorr stand out. I agree, there is nothing wrong with a bit of extra building pizazz!

Kris McCracken said...

It's a fine line between 'enough' and 'too much' ornamentation. I am far too polite to state which side of the line I judge this to fall on! ;) said...

I haven't been to Pasadena since last week and I find it funny that my post today was also a...picture of a doorway! This is just further proof to me that we are all connected!
Bernie K, I like your idea.

Katie said...

Most modern doors are fairly boring, so I'm all for a little superfluousness now and then! I'm trying to imagine the meeting with the architect or designer who suggested adding this extravagant detail to the door. The pitch obviously worked!

John Sandel said...

Wait—wait … it's coming to me …

Got it: if this door is like italicized text, and you made a door that was like, um, a HYPERlink, see, then you'd get, uh, a door that would, that would TAKE you somewhere! Like a transporter!

I know: the iDoor!

"Get me Steve Jobs on the phone!"

Lydia said...

You used the exactly right amount of italics to discuss this door. The color is what attracts me most. I really like the "superfluous detail" theme.

Happy 4th, Petrea.

Lindsey said...

Nothing like architecting every bit of itty bitty perfection per hour. Gives you a smoother day and a good income.

Parisian Heart said...

It may be superfluous, but I find it exquisite nonetheless, Petrea!

Anonymous said...

Your writing style alone would be enough to bring me to Pasadena DP, even without pics. You're so funny, Petrea. You keep me laughing.
For you I dig out my old notebook of keepers. Not sure that he had Lany's door in mind, but Voltaire said "THE SUPERFLUOUS IS VERY NECESSARY."

Pat said...

Love your photo! Am back from vacation and desperately trying to catch up on my blog visits.

Very soon, perhaps by the end of next week, I will be posting some photos of our Greek vacation, during which we were accompanied by a small Serbian traveler (mystery man...) who helped us see Greece through his eyes... Stay tuned...drop in.

Petrea Burchard said...

I admit it's gaudy and I admit I like it, even though I also admit Kris is right!

Thanks, Clueless, for the paraphrase. (I linked to your 7/4 post because I love it.) Dina, I love the Voltaire! Bibi, glad you're back. Oh, just everyone. I'm glad to see you all here and grateful for your varying opinions.

John Sandel said...

M. Havisham said "How many times have I gone by Lany's? … I never noticed … It's weird when things are put in photographs what is discovered."

Dorothea Lange thought so, too:

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera."

(LA Times, August 13, 1978)

. . . said...

definitely do drop in sometime. it's a bit goofy, slightly stinky, and yet somehow enjoyable. Lany is a trip, just herself, and she is usually there. i've never purchased anything there, but love her selection of antique rings. i'm married, but without a wedding ring, and so i keep my eyes peeled until that day arrives when my husband and i make a little round finger-sized purchase. oh, and the doors, love them.

Petrea Burchard said...

Johanna, you make it sound fun. Next time, I'll go in. The locked doors made me hesitate to just browse, but I guess when you're selling estate jewelry you have to regulate foot traffic!