Wednesday, July 16, 2008


This kitty lives at the Curtin House on the grounds of the Pasadena Museum of History. She's very friendly. Don't worry about her ear. It's there, it's just a little flat. I've had this photo for a while. Been wanting to use it and finally decided to put it up this morning.

My timing's good. I checked the Museum's website and tomorrow (Thursday) is Family Free Day from 4-7PM. Click on the link to see what they've got planned. Then if it looks like fun give them a call at (626) 577-1660, ext. 10, because reservations are recommended.

I can't promise kitty close-ups, but there'll be plenty of other photo ops. That I can guarantee.


Pat said...

Kitty looks happy! Cute photo.

Pascal Jim said...

Cats=Mobile Art

USelaine said...

I feel a spate of cat-captioning coming on. Bernie, over to you...

Coltrane_lives said...

meeeeeeeeoooooowwwwww! It's always about "me" with those cats! Geez, when will they wake up and realize that we live in a heliocentric universe, not a felineocentric one!

Susan C said...

The tip of the cat's tail looks like a demon horn. The little imp!

Susan said...

She strongly resembles my own cat!

marley said...

Nice photo. I'm a cat person!

Rosie said...

Better pray that Lynn doesn't drop by today!
Did you know she is scared of cats? The poor thing...
Your cat is charming :)

freefalling said...

You're freaking me out, man!
I trust you that she is really friendly, she just doesn't look it!

Anonymous said...

I used to be a dog guy. Then, a former girlfriend left me her cats, so now I'm a cat guy. I've learned there is a difference, just like between man & woman. And, I've learned that cats also think they rule your little world.
Petrea, a vote 4 more animal pics on the daily photo site makes sense: Pasadena is goin 2 the cats!

Katie said...

I used to have one of those cardboard flat cats! This one's much cuter though. I love the way you've framed this photo and the peeling paint. Purr!

Petrea Burchard said...

Okay: we've got "happy," "mobile art," "felineocentric," imp with a "demon horn" and "she doesn't look" friendly. There are cat people and there are people who are actually afraid of cats. I guess those who are indifferent don't comment (which may be why Bernie hasn't responded to your challenge, Elaine).

I never thought this photo would freak anyone out, though.

Petrea Burchard said...

By the way: update tomorrow on the Zen Monday mystery box.

Christie said...

How cute a kitty! Have a great time at the museum everyone! said...

I love this cats face. Her expression is almost human like!

USelaine said...

Okay, so I'll caption it then.

"I gotta pee. In the planter okay?"

John Sandel said...


USelaine said...

Bernie, you snooze, you l.... wait, no, I get it. It fits. I can see it. Short and poetic. Nicely done.

Tash said...

Great looking cat! Glad you posted the photo.

Jilly said...

Lovely cat portrait. What a beauty.

I love the line in your profile 'a loner who likes people' - I can identify with that.

John Sandel said...

"Loners …
"Loners who like people …
"Are the loneliest loners
"In the worrrrrrrld …"

Petrea Burchard said...

Okay, now we're praising Bernie for one-word poems. I mean, he's good and everything, but really.

Of course I'm sitting here trying to think of one and I can't come up with anything.

Jilly, maybe I should have said "party animal who wants to be alone." I'm not sure. I just know I'm both. Sounds like you are, too.


Chuck Pefley said...

Love this cat ... of course like most everybody else in the world of cats, he / she reminds me of my dearly departed tabby. Yet, there is something quite real and evocative about the body language of this guy. Quite a worthy image :)

FWIW, you have the honor of being the ten thousandth visitor on my blog this morning. Of course it depends on which counter I believe, but hey ... I'm giving you the prize. Watch tomorrow's post ... sorry, no monetary value :)

Petrea Burchard said...

Chuck, I'm thrilled and honored! Can't wait to see...