Monday, January 28, 2008

Known for Our Architecture

It might surprise you to learn that across the street from this gem is a lovely, new-looking church. You might also be surprised that this "building" is on the main drag, Colorado Blvd. Yep. Rose Parade route. Bet the TV cameras missed this view. (Double-click to look at the posters close-up. Cigarette packs with sharks!)

From the looks of the lot, soon this will all be a memory. The empty house behind it is enclosed by the same chain-link. It appears a tear-down's a-comin'.

Pasadenans would say this photo's not fair. They'd be right. In recompense, I promise to put up a shot of at least one gorgeous local building this week.


Jim Klenke said...

While the building is probably coming down,I like to think of the history that it could have had. Could it have been a gas station in the 40s or 50? Maybe changed to a 5 and dime in the 60s or 70s. At least you got a shot of it before its gone.

Petrea Burchard said...

Probably a gas station. There's a lot of pavement in front of the place, and a boarded-up repair shop next door.

Cities change, I guess. Pasadena's a champion at recycling old buildings, though. Our Old Town is gorgeous. Stay tuned.

Pat said...

Great history in this shot I'm sure, Jim. Thanks for sharing, petrea!

I would certainly appreciate your posting a condolence message in my blogs today for the wife of a good blogger friend...


Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos

Anonymous said...

It was a used car lot before its current condition.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, anon. If you check back here: Do you happen to know how long it's been fenced like it is now?

Anonymous said...

I don't remember when it vacated as a car lot, but I assumed the church next door bought the lot when they started building the church, for more parking. The church has a school behind it that people park at on Sunday, but I'd bet they need more.