Monday, July 22, 2013

Zen Monday #252

photo by John Sandel

Are you new to Zen Monday? Welcome! This is the day you tell us what the photo's about, rather than me telling you.


Book Dragon said...

only one?

well, if it's the car that makes sense but if it's the fruit it doesn't.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Bagged lemons on a hot, humid day, not a good idea... no wonder its free.

dive said...

Mmm … sweaty fruit.

Bellis said...

Someone's misunderstood how the Lemon Law works? But I'm not sure I'd want the car even if it's free.

Trish said...

Commentary and a freebie all in one shot?

Not many remember the station wagons and how lemony they were. Take a gander thru a "Vacation" movie to see how they fly! Thanks Chevy Chase!

I'm with KBF--not sure I'd want bagged hot lemons after they've been sitting around a spell unless I was aiming at lemon whiskey!

Desiree said...

You have a lot of liberation activists in your neighborhood----

Anonymous said...

i.e., Hey asshole, don't be greedy.

Petrea Burchard said...

You know, I took quite a few.

Unknown said...

Lemon, Ramon's older brother, had been mistakenly rounded up in a gang bust...

Ms M said...

Clifford's especially made me laugh -- I have nothing to add to the sad saga of Lemon and Ramon. I do wonder if that was their getaway car....

frazgo said...

Its the CLA in action.

Margaret said...

Pucker up.

Petrea Burchard said...

Maybe Desiree's right about the activism thing.

Trish said...

station wagon was so bad that even the lemon sign couldn't stay stuck to it!

Susan Campisi said...

Is there a "Free Lemon" petition for us to sign?

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't know of a petition, but feel free to start one!

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Lemon - one - not lemon(s)