Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Living Vicurioiusly

Photo by John Sandel. It's not his fault I decided to use it as a cliche.

First, thank you. Really, that's the first thing.

I've been blogging at Pasadena Daily Photo since January 1, 2008. Although it's been a rewarding education in networking, writing, photography and friendship, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as a fast track to sanity. But it suited me and I've loved it and it's time to let it go. 

I'll still blog. There's a blog at my website, where I post writing and bookish things. I'll blog here, too, but not every day. For now, it'll be Zen Mondays, and when the mood strikes.

Obviously I had to change the blog's name, and I hope you like the new one. At this point you don't have to change anything in your feed because I still have the pasadenadailyphoto url. But if you bookmark LivingVicuriously.net, you'll be directed here.

This is a big change for me. In some ways it's a break-up, and in some ways it's a relief. But mostly I'm grateful: to the City Daily Photo family, of which I've been a member all this time; to Eric Tenin, whose Paris Daily Photo inspired me and all of CDP to begin, to the wonderful people I've met and blogged about, to Pasadena itself, and to you. Mostly to you.


Anonymous said...

The image is appropriate in ways that had never entered your mind.
(I've always considered your blog to be the http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dog%27s%20Bollocks)

John Sandel said...

2008, huh? It's been a good long run. Maybe I'll see you around sometime . . .

Kalei's Best Friend said...

New adventures to experience! I know u will have fun. btw- love the butt shot...

Kalei's Best Friend said...

hey, I was able to add your web site to my blogroll! :-)

Sara said...

What a great name! You post and we'll read - whenever/however often that happens :)

Bellis said...

Love the new name. you'll miss PDP at first, but what a relief too. Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, JB. Boz has been missing his http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dog%27s%20Bollocks for a long time, but I appreciate the sentiment.

JS, I think that's a quote, but I can't find it anywhere.

KBF, that is so cool.

Sara! Seeing your pic is not like seeing your face, but it's darn good.

Bellis, now that's a quote I know!

Latino Heritage said...

Happy trails to you, I know we'll meet again. I'll miss PDP, like James I read it daily. Excited for you as your new journey begins.

TheChieftess said...

I can do once a week on Mondays...and even more if given half a chance!!!

Love the new name!!!

Laura M said...

Will miss the daily dose of zen, but I know you'll be busier than ever!

Laura M said...

Oh, and I love the new title. I really do get some vicurious experiences from your perambulations about town.

Petrea Burchard said...

The song is stuck in my head now, Roberta.

Half a chance, Chieftess, I will give you half a chance.

Thank you, Laura.

Cafe Pasadena said...

You wanna cut back on your blogging, but you're gonna also write on another blog in addition to this?? Ok, as long as you blog at least weekly. Which will probably still be more often than I do it!

Blogging isn't easy. It's writing, english, punctuation, grammar, and, photography, etc, after all! School work.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Did you make that name up? Vicurioiusly? I for one am all about the "Gimlet" eye

Congratulations on the long run. Pressures off, phew huh? You'll be around. A commitlessness blog is the best blog (I made up that word and trust me; spell check is pissed)

LOLfromPasa said...

Great name (but I do feel a little sad. I did not expect 'Pasadena Daily Photo' name change. I understand and I too will look forward to your future postings, Petrea. Warmest best wishes, Lauren.)

Petrea Burchard said...

It's okay, Cafe. I always liked school.

I made it up, PA. Someone else may have done so, too, but I haven't heard it. Yes, phew! Commitlessness is now my pal.

Thanks, Lauren. As someone said, it's been a good run.

Speedway said...

Thank you, Petrea.

A few years ago, a mutual friend suggested I start a blog and referred me to PDP. I looked at it daily, eventually got brave enough to leave comments and(I felt like I was walking in on a private party, to be honest). Living where I do, it was a relief to find their are actually people who may share my outlook on many things, and eventually I didn't feel so much a stranger.

After about a year of reading PDP, I said "Oh, what the F**k", hit the create a blog button at the top of your blog and, just about a month short of 2 years ago, Speedway Daily Photo was born. I had just signed the contract to write a little book and figured the blog would provide a goal, helping me learn the discipline to stick together a few words every day that related to whatever pictures I'd found during my walks.

It has been a great help and has led to new things. And by your example, I became brave enough to stick a few words together each day to go with my little pictures.

Heck, one of these days, maybe you, JS, Dive and I will get together over a latte somewhere, finally putting voices and faces to the pixels and bytes we've shared over the years.

Again, for all you do, thanks.
Sara Wright of Speedway Daily Photo.

Adele said...

Like so many others, I will miss the daily visit, but am so happy for you and your new adventures. Love, love the new blog name. Can't wait to see what happens next!!

Petrea Burchard said...

Sara/Speedway, I remember feeling the same about Paris Daily Photo. And when I finally got up the nerve to chime in, everyone was so nice. The blogging community is a good one. Thank you for your generous words. It's my hope that if we all get together for that latte, it will be on a sunny day on the Old Sod.

Thank you, Adele! I will sail on the good luck wishes I've gotten here.

Ms M said...

Thank you for your wonderful, creative work on this blog!

I'll definitely check back from time to time, especially for Zen Mondays.

Best wishes as you continue down a different path :-)

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you, Ms. M. I feel this was a group effort and I've enjoyed your participation!


First, thank you for providing daily inspiration for so long. And now, we'll be inspired by more (non-daily) adventures - I love the new name, I am looking forward to this new chapter.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Lulu. It's weird in a good way.

Pat said...

This is a great shot. I'll be visiting, though infrequently now for a while since I'm visiting the US and am running around...

dive said...

My favourite morning visit walks off into the sunset … sigh …
At least you'll still be there to cheer my Mondays.

Shell Sherree said...

Dear Petrea, I feel blessed that we've grown to know each other through our blogging. Everything has its season and one knows when it's time to ease off. Thank you for all you've shared and given us over the past many years {it really is remarkable} and I'll look forward to whatever and whenever you do continue to post. And enjoy all your new adventures, wherever they lead. Big hugs to you and Boz.

Shell Sherree said...

{And a perfect photo from John for this post!!}

BOB BOYLE said...

Thanks for sharing with us throughout the years. I've really enjoyed finding out about the little mysteries, histories, and hidden gems of Pasadena.
As a runner who spends a lot of time on the trails from Hahamongna down to the Lower Arroyo, it's been especially wonderful to see the sights of my daily runs from your POV. And your many posts on the history of that area, have really brought another level of enjoyment to my morning trots. As an added bonus, I get to sound much smarter than I really am when I share your Pasadena insights at dinner parties!
Anyway, thanks so much for taking the time to make the internet a better place and my life a little richer!

Petrea Burchard said...

Have a good time, Bibi!

And you'll be there to cheer mine, Dive.

Shell, you know whereof you speak. I'll hug Boz for you.

Thanks, Bob. I'm honored to know you've shared my insights and I hope it hasn't gotten you into trouble!

frazgo said...

Ah, switching it up a bit. I have to admit I admired your daily images and the effort required to do it. Will miss the daily part, so glad you are keeping "Zen Monday" as I absolutely love it. fraz

Petrea Burchard said...

Oh, good! Thank you, Fraz, I'll see you Monday.

Amy said...

First Laurie and now you!! :(

I am really going to miss the daily photos, but glad you will be posting the Zen Mondays. I remember when you first started and had gone about a year, I asked if you were going to keep it up and you said yes. I was surprised because I had it in my head that these daily photo blogs were year long projects only. I have no idea where I got that idea. But wow, you did it for so long and kept me loving my new (at the time--I've been here almost 7 years now!) town.

I hope you will keep posting Boz pics and keep us updated about him. He's my favorite 'virtual dog'. Virtual to me, of course. I know he's real. :)

Thanks for sharing so much with us, and best of luck with everything. I look forward to picking up your book.

All the best,
Amy (hollisthecat)

savannah said...

I still have a coffee date with you next time I'm in L.A.! xoxox

All the best to you, sugar!!

Petrea Burchard said...

Hi Amy, there's the 365 project, where you post a photo a day, taken that day. City Daily Photo is similar, but I don't think there's a requirement that the photo be from the same day (I hope not!), and you can go on as long as you want to. Thanks for being a long-time reader!

Savannah, I look forward to our in-person meeting so much! We'll have a blast.

Susan Campisi said...

Love the photo! I got a little choked up reading this. But I adopted the commitlessness blog long ago, so why shouldn't you? Hope you're enjoying the new journey.

Katie said...

Although it's always hard to deal with change, I know you'll get used to blogging when you want to, without the pressure to post every day. I'll miss your daily posts, but I'll get used to it too. Here's to new adventures! Oh and great new blog name!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you! There is always more to do.