Thursday, April 25, 2013

Commute, Hollywood


dive said...

Yay! A flickbook movie.
Beautifully composed and lit, Petrea, and nicely acted, too.

Dina said...

Brilliant! A splendid example of what we are going to miss.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

You must of had a long line of traffic in front of you! :-)

Bellis said...

Brilliant! That boy's taking the advice about exercise seriously.

Petrea Burchard said...

I thought I'd gotten lucky when I stopped at this light, because the shadows on the building were interesting. When the boy ran through as I was snapping pictures, I knew I was right!

Pasadena Adjacent said...

very nice - put this in the "favorite file"
Composition and conceptualism

TheChieftess said...

Now that's one way to entertain yourself while stopped at a stoplight!!! Love it!!!

And yep...the daily visit to Pasadena will be sorely missed...

Pat said...

Very nice. I like this series a lot.

Pat said...

BTW, I laughed hard at what's written under 'Leave your comment'! :)

Petrea Burchard said...

It's a favorite of mine too, PA

I probably won't do many more shots like this, Chieftess. I don't like it when people text at the light (I always have to honk to wake them up); taking photos at the light is almost as bad.

Thanks, Bibi!

Susan Campisi said...

Love this series! You're being humble when you attribute these photos to luck.

savannah said...



Petrea Burchard said...

Maybe, Susan, but I was lucky that traffic was backed up, lucky those shadows fell, lucky that boy had an errand to run back and forth.

Merci, for the smiles, as always, savannah.

Katie said...

Delightful set of photos! I wonder how many times that kid went back and forth like that. Oh if he only know how cool we all think he is!

Bellis said...

Lesser artworks have been exhibited at LACMA. I'd love to see this photo series printed on quality paper and framed in an art gallery.

In fact, how about a PDP art exhibition of your best works? How about Pasadena City Library? All you'd need is a grant for the printing and framing. Ideas, anyone?

Laura M said...

Bellis is right. I saw some photos at the Pompy Museum in Paris (I am not going to take the time to look that up to spell it properly) and they were really not interesting at all. This sextet has everything: light, shadow, colors (but not too many), an interesting--and surprising--subject.

Petrea Burchard said...

I had to move on, Katie, so if he went more than twice I missed it.

Bellis, Laura, those are lovely ideas. It sounds like a lot of extra work, though, which is what I'm trying to get out of! Major grant money would change my mind, of course.

USelaine said...

I love everything about these!

Ms M said...

Fun set of photos! Back and forth, back and forth. Maybe he was told to "run off some of that energy". The shadows on the building make for an attractive photo, too.